Mad Science Birthday Party Decor
I have a list of decor and party items on Amazon perfect for a Mad Science party here:
Here’s where we are sharing all of the decor we had for this mad science party!
Instead of doing balloons on strings, we filled balloons with helium and just let them float the ceiling. It was also a fun experiment doing static electricity!
I decorated the front door frame with these borders that are normally for classrooms. I found them at Teaching Stuff in Phoenix for less than $4 for 20.
I bought these test tubes and holder at Apache Reclamation in Phoenix. The holder was actually a creamy plastic color, a little spray paint fixed that right up. Inside the tubes is water and colored tablets that came in our science kit.
What is a Mad Science Party without skulls and body parts? This jar has a skull from Halloween and enlarged hands and feet from the dollar store (the ones that grow in water). The jar is just a pickle jar with water and neon green food coloring!
For the beakers and flasks, I used dry ice found at the grocery store along with with traditional food coloring. If you want to make the decor really awesome, add some dish soap to the dry ice and water and watch the bubbles grow!
Items used in the decor that can be found on Amazon:
- Glass Flask (on Amazon for less than $6)
- Beaker Set
(on Amazon for less than $16 for a 5 piece set)
- Misc Glass Bottles
(search for bottles with lids on Amazon)
The bowls with lids were really handy for taking some of the experiments home. They are from Smart and Final and less than $5 for 50!
Mad Science Birthday Party Food
I kept it simple with just snacks since it was in mid afternoon time.
The worms in chocolate pudding placed inside Petri dishes were a HUGE hit with the kids and really easy to do!
Petri dishes are available on Amazon too —>
These H2O bottles were just water bottles with labels I created. I later realized no one was drinking them because they thought they might be for experiments, even though they were with the drinks. Lol.
I have implemented a plan for birthday cupcakes that we are starting to do every year. A Cupcake Bar. It’s funny because I actually love decorating cupcakes but at birthday time, it’s too chaotic and I have found kids prefer to decorate their own cupcakes!

Having a mad science party? Fill test tubes w/ candy and have the kids create a fun cupcake all in the name of science!

Crazy Cupcake Creation Center for a mad science party, fill test tubes with candy and crazy toppings like bacon bits for a fun dessert!
I filled test tubes with various toppings including some sweet and some crazy like these bacon bits that one kid went crazy for.
These test tubes are Martha Stewart Test Tubes that you can find at Halloween or on here: Martha Stewart Test Tube Favor Kit
If you want to feature some easy toppers and cupcake papers, you can use this set from Amazon.
Check out these mad science cake plates, napkins, and cups on Amazon!
The box is just a box that held juice boxes that I spray painted. I printed and punched the labels/tags myself.
Another easy thing? Giving my 11 year old the task of baking cupcakes on her own. We just used some fun-fetti mix for the cupcakes.
Happy Birthday, Clever Guy!
Looking for the other posts for the party? Click the link below.
You can also make these fun Mad Science Cookies!
Wow, great job! Love everything!
Wow! You did an amazing job on this party Sarah! The food and the treats are so well done and so well thought out & presented! How thrilling for these kids to come to this party…my 11 year old son would have loved it! Awesome job Mom! Angie xo
WOW! This is an amazing resource for the Mad Science party we are planning for my soon to be 5 year old! Thank you for sharing your incredible party ideas!