I knew I was insane when I planned to attend 3 blogging conference in less than a month. But alas, here I am about to head off to Bloggy Bootcamp before I travel to Utah for SNAP then to So Fab Con with my favorite peeps in Arkansas! I’m busy packing over here and often I get asked what to bring to a conference. It can be stressful to plan for that first conference but I think I have it down to what the necessities are since this will be my 10th, 11th and 12th conference. Sheeze Sara, get a hobby!
Anyways, if you are curious as to what’s in my bag or what you should bring to a blogging conference, check out my must haves below that include my conference tote and my makeup bag!
Conference Tote bag
When it comes to what to carry at the conference, I personally prefer a larger purse or medium tote bag at conferences. I don’t carry much but I do like there to be some room because you never know when you will get “swag” or other items to take home.
- Phone ~ It will be your go to tool to keep up with the happenings of the conference by following the hashtag. Be sure to get friends and roomie’s phone numbers to keep in touch for when you are apart!
- Chapstick ~ This may just be a personal thing but I have to have chapstick with me all the time and plus, it’s cold usually at conferences and I don’t want my lips drying out!
- Candy & Gum ~ I tend to take an energy dive at blogging conferences and I get hungry too, so I tend to stock up on sugar and granola bars. Plus, nothing bribes new friends like chocolate!
- Sharpies ~ When you receive business cards from others, you’ll want to remember who is who! Have a sharpie or thick pen to write on all types of business cards because some are glossy and hard to write on with a pen.
- Tablet or iPad ~ A lot of people bring laptops to conferences and I do sometimes but really it’s easier to tweet out and share if you have a smaller device such as a tablet. Some also take notes on them as well as photos.
- Notepad and Pen ~ Nothing beats a pen and paper for notes! It helps you remember the tips shared and you can brainstorm easily on paper!
- Business Cards ~You’ll need a lot of them so be sure to have a good stock on hand. If you are looking to order business cards, I prefer Minted.com and Vistaprint.com.
- Flats ~ I can’t express how important it is to have comfy shoes at a conference. There is a LOT of standing and walking. A personal favorite of mine just in case my shoes give my feet a hard time. I like Fit in Clouds sequin flats, they go everywhere with me!
Makeup Bag
I’m cheap by nature so all of my cosmetics have always come from the drugstore or superstore. I’m not too picky but I do like a quality product that will give me a great look and won’t make my skin break out. Here are a few things in my makeup bag for the conferences (and well all of the time).
- Glamoflauge by Hard Candy ~ I’ve been seeing this all over Pinterest. It promised to have full concealer coverage for around $6 at Walmart. I thought, too good to be true. I picked up a tube and was blown away! This stuff has amazing coverage and a little bit goes a long way. The tube will definitely last me a while, well worth the investment.
- CC Cream by Hard Candy ~ I must have been livin under a rock as I hadn’t found out about the BB cream fad until recently. It’s basically a tinted moisturizer that provides a little bit more coverage. I tried the CC Cream from Hard Candy and liked it. Typically what I do is put the Glamoflauge over my problem spots and under my eyes, then cover the rest of my face with this. It gives it a nice finish, especially when I do it with the e.l.f. highlighting powder (number 8)
- Falsies Mascara from Maybelline ~ this is one of my favorite mascaras for under $5. It gives a full look and it comes in waterproof (a must for me).
- NYC Sparkle Eye Dust ~ I’ve tried a lot of drug store eye shadows in my time bu this has to be one of my favorites. I love the smokey topaz (found at Walmart for around $3). I usually finish it with the Golden Godess Pigmented Eye Shadown from e.l.f.
- Simply Powder Foundation by Cover Girl ~ I will sometimes use this over the CC Cream, it gives a great finish to my foundation.
- Super Glossy Lip Shine by e.l.f. ~ If you are looking for a cute lip gloss for less, this is my favorite. I love the pink as it gives my lips a glossy shine and a little color. The bonus is it’s only $1 at Target.
- Aqua Smooth Foundation by Covergirl ~ Have you ever heard the term, if it’s not broke don’t fix it? I have used this foundation for years. In fact, I’ve used it for so long it’s the makeup I bought as a teen! This compact is great to keep in my purse when I run out of time to put on makeup and need to do it on the go.
- High Definition Powder by e.l.f. ~ I hadn’t started highlighting my face until I found this product by e.l.f. You put it under your eyes, above the cheekbones along with the forehead and chin to highlight the face. I use it after I put on my finishing powder (it also helps bring out my dark eyes).
- Finishing Mist by Nexxus ~ Not a cosmetic but definitely a favorite in my bag. I use the trial size from CVS and it’s only $3. It keeps my curls in place without being super crunchy.
There you have it, what’s in my bags at Bloggy Bootcamp, SNAP and So Fab Con! What are some of your must haves for conferences?
Great list! I think I’m going to wear heels on the first day and more comfortable shoes on the second. 😉
See you tomorrow.
Thanks for all of these suggestions! I read your post before heading to Walgreens today and was so bummed they didn’t have the Cake Batter Chapstick. However, I was able to order some Fit in Clouds flats! I’m super excited – I’ve been looking for silver flats that weren’t too flashy or expensive so as long as these are comfy I’ll be set!