This is the last weekend for the AZ State Fair, you don’t want to miss it! The state fair has always been one of our favorite traditions. Once they put that sign outside of the Colosseum letting everyone know the fair is coming, my kids get VERY excited. I’m not much of a “ride” person but the fair is more than jut rides. It’s an experience! We enjoy everything from the food to the art on display. I remember going with my dad to the Arizona State Fair when I was younger, we would always ride the big yellow slide and enjoy Piggly Wiggly. I knew when my kids got older, they would enjoy going to the fair too and it’s a tradition I wanted to keep going.
The kids get really excited when we come in not only for the rides but for the delicious food. They get to pick one treat each year and this year we enjoyed funnel cake and ice cream!
A photo posted by Sara Pirate (@cleverpirate) on
So again, I don’t do any of the crazy rides. I love things like the big slide, tilt-a-whirl and fun house but nothing crazy. The Clever Teen however…..
Afraid of heights? Not this girl. #cleverteen #azstatefair
A video posted by Sara Pirate (@cleverpirate) on
She goes on almost everything. After the Josh Turner concert her and her friend went on this one here. As you can see, they had a blast.
A photo posted by Sara Pirate (@cleverpirate) on
Did I mention we saw Josh Turner? Clever Teen and I really like his music so when we found out he was playing, we were stoked! The AZ State Fair really does have the best deals on concerts. If you have tried to buy concert tickets lately, you probably noticed the very HIGH prices. Well, the state fair concerts are free with your fair admission.
For the Clever Guy, he’s more like me. We’ll take the easy rides any day. He especially loves the fun houses. He did the house of mirrors, the under the sea themed house and the haunted house. I was actually surprised he did that one, I went with him and had my eyes closed most of the time! He also LOVES the animals at the fair and who could blame him, they are so cute!
If you go:
- Tips to remember:
- It’s only open through November 2nd.
- Discounts: On Fridays you get FREE admission for 2 with a receipt from Fry’s with over $40 spent on it and if you go in before 2 PM on Saturday and Sunday, you can get in for just $2! Be sure to check all discounts here:
- Grab a map and plan on doing a lot of walking.
Remember, there is something for everyone at the State Fair and admission covers a lot of fun things to see including shows!
Disclosure: I received 2 admission tickets, all opinions and photos are my own.
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