Last month I posted about freezer cooking and wanted to share what I did this month. I started puree-ing and freezing the puree to include in dishes. Basically, I need to sneak some more veggies into my kids meals because they only eat certain vegetables. What got me into this was the cookbook Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food. I have this cookbook and I got her second one from the library, I really like the recipes so I do recommend her books.
Yesterday I pureed:
- yellow squash
- carrots
- cauliflower
- spinach
The How To on Pureeing veggies:
It was really easy, I used a microwave to steam the vegetables and a food processor. What I did was used my glass Pyrex bowls and put a couple tablespoons of water on the bottom of the bowl. I then covered it with microwave safe food cover (saran wrap type).
- For the squash I took 3 squash and microwaved them for about 6 minutes then cut them into cubes before processing.
- For the spinach I microwaved a cup of spinach for about 1 minute.
- For the cauliflower I microwaved them for 6 minutes.
- For the carrots I microwaved them for about 5 minutes (I used baby carrots).
After all the veggies were steamed, I pureed them in the food processor (washing between veggies). I then put some in containers to use this week in recipes. The remainder I froze in the freezer using my Food Saver.
So all the hard work is done and for now I have just baked the pureed veggies in muffins and breads. I am looking for recipes to use these veggies in so I went on a hunt and found some websites/books on sneaking veggies in: (she offers a few free recipes and has a couple of books)
Do you do this with your kids? What are your favorite recipes?
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