I’ve always been a fan of having long hair. I never really had the desire for a short hair cut. As cute as I think they are, they just don’t fit me. I think the shortest I have gone was to my shoulders and really, that didn’t last long. I’ve pretty much been predictable with my hair cuts. One thing I struggle with is my wavy & thick hair. I tried for a very long time to not blow dry my hair. I had heard how damaging it was so I didn’t do it. However, I found myself with a very think untamable mane when that happened. I finally started blow drying it and then found a system that worked for me to tame my hair. When blowouts started becoming popular I was happy because that was what I was already doing and I had a system down that didn’t cost me a lot of money.
I wanted to share what I do with y’all. Trust me, this works and it’s easy. If I do not do this and let my hair air dry, yikes! So when I wash my hair, I make sure I have enough time to blow dry it and do these steps.
How To: DIY Hair Blowout
What you’ll need:
- A good shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. I still swear by this one I shared here: http://cleverpinkpirate.com/2013/05/28/clever-beauty-my-9-favorite-summer-beauty-items-for-less-than-15/
- Moroccan or Aragon Oil (for a less expensive option I use One N’ Only Argan Oil Treatment
, a little bit goes a long way so it’s an awesome deal right now)
- Heat Protectant (I use this one
, it’s under $5 and works well)
- Vented Round Brush
(I personally like a soft & plastic bristle combo), I start and finish with Goody Style Shine brush)
- Volumizing Powder (I use Got2b Powder’ful Volumizing Styling Powder
, works great and it’s under $10)
- After washing and towel drying your hair, brush or comb out hair with a vented brush.
- Spray hair with protectant.
- Add a dime sized portion of the oil and share it evenly throughout the hair.
- Blow dry hair for about 1 – 2 minutes. Brush it out again and then repeat.
- When starting the blow dry process again, take the round brush and brush it through as you blow dry it. The easiest way is to put it under your hair at the start of the scalp.
- Continue to blow dry and brush until finished.
- Add the volumizing powder at the roots. Flip hair over and thoroughly massage it into the scalp.
- Finish off by doing the final brush through for straight sleek hair!
There are affiliate links included in this post, all opinions are my own.
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