Here is one of our first sessions, say hello to Anne from!
If you have been blogging for a little bit, you’ve heard a little bit about blogging conferences. I’ve been to a few, in fact I just went to my 10th conference. Crazy, right? I just went to BBC Phoenix and in fact, it was my 4th Bloggy Bootcamp. I go to one every year and I will continue to do so because the return on my investment is always well worth it. Some people ask me why I attend this conference so many times and they want to know, is it repetitive? When I go to Bloggy Bootcamp I have the mindset that I will come home with these 3 things:
- Motivation ~ I always feel the need to turn my blog into something more fabulous than it was before.
- Something New ~ While I may hear things I already know, I ALWAYS come home with some valuable.
- New Friends ~ I always make new bloggy friends at BBC and it’s great because there are not an overwhelming amount of people I go home meeting at least half of the attendees!
Another reason I go? The SITS girls are pretty awesome and know how to put on a greatly informative conference. Tiffany is just awesome. She is SO pretty and SO funny! She really just makes these conferences awesome and she is the real deal.
If you are looking for the “meat and potatoes” of blogging conferences, the Bloggy Bootcamps are worth the investments. The bonus is that usually they are priced low and capped around 100 to make everyone’s experience more intimate.
Just a few things I took from this blogging conference:
I need to put more attention into Google +. I’ve been hearing how important it is but it didn’t click until it was pointed out that Google + is a Gogle product and Google is the master of the web. Duh! I should have my info totally branded on there to make me and my website more searchable and favored by Google! One of the first things I did was complete my Google Aurthorship. You can do it for your site too here:
I learned more how to manage my sponsored posts, something I needed!
SEO seems to be constantly evolving, I’m appreciate of Casey from cbias who shared his knowledge on how to use it to our advantage!
Also, we heard about how to plug into the Speaker portions of the blogging conference circuit. When I saw this I thought, this is not something I would need but, on the way home I had an epiphany of something to talk about! Hopefully I can execute a plan and maybe speak at a conference soon!
Of course I had a blast, especially with my fav local bloggy peeps
- Kim from
- Allison from
- Sara from
- Destiny from
- Kelly from
- Laura from
Thank you to DownEast Basics for sponsoring our clothing for the conference! Don’t we all look fabulous?!
I love this Pink Sheer Shirt, it was definitely branding for myself at the conference.
I loved everything the girls chose from DownEast! I honestly had outfit envy!
Awkward Stretching anyone?
A bit shoutout to those who came and saw Kim & I at the Collective Bias booth and did some awkward stretching! You guys are talented!
If I didn’t get a chance to talk to you about Social Fabric/Cbias, feel free to email me!
I know Danielle says stop apologizing and that has stayed with me since I heard her say it BBCVegas. Because I do apologize for a lot, a lot that is completely out of my control so I have gotten better. I do want to apologize for scaring anyone with my “sick voice” . I normally don’t sound like that I swear! That was the worst part of the conference, coming home from BBC early because I was sick 🙁
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