A few weeks ago as some may know I had a booth at Junk in the Trunk vintage market. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun! Some have asked me if I would do it again and I definitely would. I did learn some things I would not do myself for the show but the ladies behind the show did an amazing job to ensure the traffic would be in the show.
I met some fabulous vendors and some great customers! I also of course downsized my inventory which I desperately needed to do.
What I saw at the show though was the other side of picking. I wrote this post on how to essentially “pick and bargain” with others when trying to find vintage items. I love bartering myself of course when it’s in my favor but during the show I was on the other side. I knew people would try to bargain but I did not know how many! I don’t think I was prepared for so may “counter offers” to my price tags. Being a bargainer myself, I was open to it but of course there is a downside. I really never knew how much work went into a show like this.
You have to find the items which is a LOT of time, sweat and money.
You have to clean and price items.
You have to get the items to the show and then set up then have the fun of take down.
It takes a LOT of money and time to participate in a show like this. But it’s not even vendor shows, it’s flea markets and even yard sales! People put a lot of effort into these and not only that, they had to at one time buy the items too. So that look on some people’s faces when I ask them if they could do another price is the same one I probably had at the show.
While I don’t want to point out any offers that I had myself, I will say that when I do my picking I will have a different mind set. The Junk in the Trunk gals said it best, “If you can afford it, pay it”. Obviously I am always looking for a good deal and will probably always barter and if an item is priced in my ballpark of an idea of how much I would pay for it, I will take it at that price. I mean you just never know if that person is having that “sale” because that is their sole income or if they really need money which is why they are selling it.
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